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Welcome to Penny Farthing Dan

Built in Australia, you can buy a bespoke hand made Penny Farthing bicycle, delivered worldwide

Buy an Australian handbuilt Penny Farthing Replica.
Buy an Australian handbuilt Highwheel replica
In a world of disposable items, cheap manufacturing and products designed for a price rather than quality; I offer a fresh alternative.

Dan's bikes have proven to be tough and reliable, every one is hand made with attention to detail. The result - not just a bike, but a hand made piece of Art.


During the building process you communicate directly with a passionate designer, craftsman and engineer ensuring quality and ultimately your satisfactiion. Your experience doesn't end with the purchase of your highwheel bicycle, Dan offers ongoing backup and can introduce you to a welcoming network of like minded owners. These people are often involved in group activities ranging from a ride to the cafe through to a ride around Australia


Although designs have changed, Dan still rides his 2008 model, In over 15,000 kilometers this bike has been subjected to huge hills, rain, headwinds, gravel roads both in Australia and overseas. During this time, nothing has broken or worn out.


My extensive riding and building experience is utilised to personally design a machine that will correctly fit you, deliver its purpose and give you years of reliable service.


Dan Bolwell, Contact No: 0417565091.

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